
Lichess banned atrophied

First things first. Cheaters need to be exposed and isolated. I congratulate all people involved to the investigations of Atrophied's case, and I sincerely thank them for their efforts. I know, from his Reddit post, that @hicetnunc is one of them. I thank him for the time he invested to prove that Atrophied played at least two seasons of the Lichess 4545 league, assisted by chess engines.

Secondly, this incident gave us the opportunity to know better each other, and what we saw wasn't pretty. We saw an established chess coach and Crazyhouse idol, Nikolas Theiss, succumbing to the charms of letting a machine play on his behalf. We saw the Lichess moderators misleading the whole chess community, and Atrophied himself, for the real reason he was banned. We saw them talking, referring to and clarifying the meaning of "Sandbagging", like this was the offense for which Atrophied was banned. We saw them downplaying the notion of "community". We saw them hiding, ignoring questions, deleting their own messages. We saw them displaying a "public relations rating" around 1500 or lower.

@NeverBeenTimid wants an apology from me and other members of the community. Please point to a post I made that you think I should apologize for.

My friend @FatesWarning believes that I am taking it too personally. Maybe, or maybe not. It is too early to see things from a distance. If Atrophied was innocent, and at the time it seemed perfectly reasonable, then I would be proud for having contributed to his exoneration. If I had omitted to do so, and I had left an innocent man without advocacy, it would be a personal shame and dishonor.

@NeverBeenTimid believes that having to play on the laggy should be my punishment. I accept it. I commit myself not to play a single game on Lichess for the next 6 months (until March 10, 2019). Maybe other chess sites have made progress, and I'll take the chance to find out. Stuck to Lichess for life is not a healthy thing to do anyway, even if it's the best chess platform on Earth right now (it is). The worst scenario I can think of is for Lichess becoming a monopoly. Imagine that you get banned on Lichess, for whatever reason, rightly or wrongly, and then you can't play chess online anywhere else, and your only chance is to bent on your knees begging for forgiveness from guys like @lovlas and @MrLegilimens. God forbid such a nightmare!

Cheers, Theodor

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